Photography & words: © Anna Rubingh

BP 001 | Lake Windermere

BP 002 | Hill Top, Beatrix Potter's first farmhouse

BP 003 | Near Sawrey

BP 004 | Beatrix Potter's cottage garden
“Beatrix Potter is Mrs William Heelis. She lives in the north of England, her home is amongst the mountains and lakes that she has drawn in her picture books. Her husband is a lawyer. They have no family. Mrs Heelis is in her 60th year. She leads a very busy contented life, living always in the country and managing a large sheep farm on her own land.”
That is what the famous children’s books writer and illustrator Beatrix Potter wrote when she was asked to write a short biography for an American publisher, and it sums up her life in the Lake District nicely, even though the road from well-to-do Victorian-raised girl to Lake District hill farmer was long. But Beatrix was a strong and very determined woman.
In 1905, aged 39 and still living with her parents in London, she buys a farm called Hill Top from earnings from her first little book Peter Rabbit. The farm is located in the north of England, in a small Lake District village called Sawrey. From that old farmhouse, she writes and draws more little books, using the house, the pretty cottage garden she had created, the village and the beautiful Lake District countryside as the backdrop for her stories. Moving back and forth from Sawrey to London, where she still lives with her parents, she tries to make the most of her time in the Lake District. The profits she makes from her bestselling children’s book she uses to buy more land and farms to preserve the Lake District landscape and its traditional farming she loves so much. Eight years after buying Hill Top, her first Lake District farm, she marries local solicitor William Heelis who had been helping her buying farms and land, and moves permanetly to Sawrey, where she makes farming her main priority.
When she dies in 1943, at the age of 77, she owns over 4,000 acres of land,17 farms and cottages, all of which she leaves to the National Trust for the future protection of her beloved Lake District.
I have travelled to the Lake District several times to explore her story, visiting the countryside that was so important to her and telling the story behind this famous author whose stories continue to be bestsellers a lifetime after her death. The story of Beatrix Potter is an extraordinary and deeply inspiring one that remains an inspiration with her legacy still visible in the Lake District today. A story of breathtaking landscapes, sleepy little villages, mountains and lakes, farms and Herwick sheep.
The story is accompanied by location descriptions, tips for walks and exploring Beatrix Potter's Lake District and nice places to stay and eat during a visit. It is a complete and in-depth travel story.

BP 005 | A Lake District Herdwick sheep grazing above Moss Eccles Tarn

BP 006

BP 007 | Yew Tree Farm

BP 008

BP 009

BP 010

BP 011

BP 012 | Lake Windermere

BP 013 | Near Sawrey

BP 014

BP 015 | Near Sawrey

BP 016 | Herdwick tup

BP 017 | Beatrix Potter's cottage garden

BP 018

BP 019 | Near Sawrey

BP 020 | Beatrix Potter's cottage garden

BP 021

BP 022 | Lake Windermere

BP 023

BP 024 | Wise Een Tarn

BP 025 | Lake District Herdwick sheep

BP 026 | Moss Eccles Tarn

BP 027 | Tower Bank Arms

BP 028

BP 029 | Lake Windermere

BP 030

BP 031 | Moss Eccles Tarn

BP 032

BP 033

BP 040 | Tower Bank Arms, Near Sawrey

BP 041

BP 042 | Tower Bank Arms, Near Sawrey

BP 039

BP 034 | Kitchen Garden Lingholm Estate

BP 035 | Derwent Water

BP 036 | Walled Kitchen Garden Lingholm Estate

BP 037 | Kitchen Garden Lingholm Estate

BP 038 | Kitchen Garden Lingholm Estate

BP 043

BP 044 | Troutbeck Park Farm

BP 045

BP 046

BP 047 | Wise Een Tarn

BP 048

BP 049 | Beatrix Potter's cottage garden

BP 050

BP 051

BP 052

BP 053 | Lake District Herdwick sheep

BP 054 | Yew Tree Farm

BP 056

BP 056

BP 057 | Lake District Herdwick sheep

BP 058 | Yew Tree Farm

BP 059

BP 060

BP 061 | Yew Tree Farm

BP 062 | Troutbeck Park Farm

BP 063 | Derwent Water

BP 064 | Lingholm Estate, walled kitchen garden

BP 065 | Lingholm Estate, walled kitchen garden

BP 066

BP 067 | Fell near Ambleside

BP 068

BP 069 | Lake Windermere

BP 070 | Ambleside, Lake Windermere

BP 071

BP 072

BP 073

BP 074